Olivia Lewin Main Series

About Olivia Lewin

Olivia Lewin is a master of mayhem and purveyor of chaos from the rainy province of BC, Canada. She has many romance writing love interests, from omegaverse to monster to paranormal. Her current primary partner (or sub-genre) is contemporary omegaverse, including her own OV universes and the PoisonVerse.

Her romance with writing is the only romance that exists in her life - and she prefers it that way. Popsicle, her brainless but adorable orange tabby cat, would be offended by lack of attention if she had a human partner. Outside of writing, she can be found cuddling Popsicle, reading romance, or hanging upside down on a pole doing various poses that look way easier when other people do them.

Her main homes online are her newsletter and Facebook group, where she enjoys dropping teasers and other fun things at random intervals.